Monday, January 17, 2011

Care and feeding

Our off-the-grid set up requires lots of care and feeding.  Here I am watering our batteries. We have eight batteries with three cells a piece. Each cell has a plate that should never be exposed to air. We have to monitor the water levels and pour in distilled water as needed. The safety goggles are so that if pressure has built up in one of the batteries and it spews sulfuric acid when I unscrew the cap, I won't lose my vision. It all takes longer than you'd think. Note, too, the red fleece pants, pink piping and all. Never wore them much in Brooklyn, too red, too warm. Now they are in heavy rotation.

Speaking of care and feeding, I think the cold and the long nights are scrambling my brain. Here is what I cooked today: millet for breakfast, crème fraiche (my first foray into making cheese), whole wheat bread (two loaves), corn griddle cakes for lunch, pain au chou (aka cabbage loaf), and, for dinner, crepes to have with the butternut squash gratin I made yesterday. Here is a loaf of the bread and the “yogotherm” in which the crème fraiche is setting. 

Aaron spent the day winterizing--putting plastic on windows and sealing up spots where daylight (and cold breezes) come into our cabin.  It's suppose to get down to -1 tonight.


  1. I think the red pants are hot.

  2. Jennifer I second that outfit! TOTALLY HOT! Hope you all made it through last night ok; it was cold! The plastic will help tremendously! we still have some daylight spots that produce fresh grass in the cellar during the winter. We leave it for the cat. I am going to do some butternut sauteing tonight for dinner!

  3. Safety first! Should have eye-wash available for that task.
